These days there is a trend toward homeschooling, so what is all the fuss about? In this article, we take a look at some of the ways homeschooling can support learning and personal development, two of the important features in the lives of young people; read on to find out more about homeschooling and how it can cultivate useful and progressive qualities in the students.

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Better Grades

Studies show that children who are homeschooled perform better on tests. There are several reasons for this, including more focused learning, fewer distractions, and a less pressurized learning environment. Thanks to government cuts and world pressures, traditional schools have increased their class sizes meaning that children receive less teacher time affecting grades.

On the other hand, homeschooling provides a dedicated learning environment for the student. Not only do they receive high-quality teacher time, but they also have more flexibility and control over their learning. If you are a homeschooling parent you need the right materials for students, invest top quality 6th grade worksheets for your student to help them reach better grades.

Emotional Freedom

One of the main criticisms of homeschooling comes from people who say that homeschooled children are not well-socialized, but the opposite is the case. Firstly, homeschooled children don’t have the same social pressures as those in traditional schools; at home, there is no chance of bullying, peer pressure, or the need to “fit in” with the crowd. But they can still grow.

Studies and research show that homeschooled children have better self-esteem in general and more self-confidence; at home, they have more chances to play to their strengths and develop into emotionally mature adults. Additionally, there are plenty of more controlled ways for children to develop socially, like attending local clubs, social events and taking part in chosen activities.

More Time

If there’s one thing schoolchildren dislike most, it’s homework; in their spare time at home, they have to get their school books out again when they would rather spend time playing games with their siblings or spending time with the family. With homeschooling, there is little or no homework, but that doesn’t affect their learning potential; in fact, it tends to improve it overall.

Homeschooled children have less homework because they have more dedicated classroom time. In a traditional school, a class can have around thirty students in it; that’s a lot of children to get around. A more efficient way to ensure they are working through the material is to issue homework and correct it the next day. At homeschool, most of the work is done during the day.

Social Freedom

Again, homeschooled children have more social freedom; they are able to cherrypick whom they spend time with instead of being lumped into a crowd where they might encounter bullying, peer pressure, and general unpleasantness. Of course, that’s not always the case, and some of the best friendships are forged in these situations; but homeschooling offers more freedom.

Critics might point to the lack of socialization in homeschooled children, but a homeschooled classroom is simply an alternative mode of learning. Homeschooled children can still forge valuable friendships with people they have met at their nighttime clubs and activities or social events. But it’s important for homeschooling parents to be aware of the need for socialization.

Flexible Schedule

Homeschooling is super flexible, which is probably one reason it is growing in popularity. Parents are also working on flexible schedules thanks to changes in working environments and conditions. Now, school children can align with their parent’s schedules, thanks to a homeschooling model. Home-school families can choose when they work and when they don’t.

Furthermore, if you’re considering online occupational therapy for your child, it may be helpful to understand some concepts that might be covered by an expert. A therapist acquired through Goal Coach, for instance, may focus on enhancing various aspects of fundamental child development. This encompasses refining fine motor skills, gross motor skills, providing sensory processing assistance, and advancing handwriting abilities. Beyond academic pursuits, children can also receive guidance in enhancing self-care and daily living skills, improving social interactions, and overall emotional management.

With that in place, now how would you like to organize your weekly schedule? Do you want a traditional Saturday and Sunday weekend, or would you prefer two days off during the week? What about holidays and annual leave, there’s no reason why you can’t take an educational trip mid-term; there is no one stopping you. Flexible schedules are the future, so why not develop this lifestyle early on?

Progressive Learning

Public school children are conditioned by “society” in many ways; it’s the role of the school environment to encourage learning, along with discipline and structure; this model isn’t perfect. While an element of discipline and structure is commendable, the school environment also encourages children to rely on the structured learning approach that can limit autonomy.

On the other hand, homeschooling encourages autonomy by engaging children more in the learning process. Studies show that homeschooled children are less reliant on structured learning and more intellectually independent; this is thanks to one-to-one tutoring and a flexible approach to meeting the needs of young learners. It’s another progressive educational trend.

Special Requirements

There are many children with special requirements being let down by the school system. Although there is more awareness and inclusion for children with autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, and more, a homeschooling environment is likely to be better and more supportive for them. This approach eliminates manet of social issues like stigma and supports learning. Moreover, it can provide flexibility to a child to better schedule their day and learn at their pace. Children with autism can also have more time on hand to get aba autism therapy and other occupational therapy to reduce symptoms of autism and comprehend how to live with the condition. Homeschooling can benefit parents as well since they can keep a better watch on their child with special needs and help them in day-to-day activities.

Hence, if your child has a condition, it’s worth considering homeschooling as an alternative to traditional schooling. Homeschooling is the ideal way for children with autism and ADHD to get the attention they need in a supportive environment. With homeschooling, it’s possible to arrange the classroom to suit the individual and create flexible learning schedules that are tailor-made.

Premium Parenting

Would you rather send your child to a traditional school for most of the day or spend quality time with them teaching their subjects? If you’re in the second camp, then you can enjoy premium parenting. Premium parenting is a phrase used to describe the integration of teaching and parenting, increasing the time spent with your child and improving their learning potential.

In a traditional school, parents are not involved in the learning process very much; at most, they might help out with homework and attend a parent’s evening once in a while; but there’s is a disengagement with the learning process that can reduce the quality of learning and bonding with your student-child. Premium parenting fosters a stronger connection and more freedom.

Encourage Independence

Some people think that homeschooled children are less independent, after all, they spend more time in the comfort of their homes with familiar people, and they don’t engage with the challenges of the world as much as public school children. In fact, the opposite is the case, colleges have found that homeschooled children are more confident and independent.

In a public school, students are spoon-fed their work in a structured and controlled environment; but that’s not the case with homeschooling. In a homeschool, the student is engaged in the learning process along with the parent-teacher; they have more autonomy over their schedules, materials, and learning processes, which leads to more independence when they reach college.

Bright Futures

Studies show that homeschooled children become active, engaged, and progressive members of society. Again, homeschooling cultivates qualities in individuals that are not as encouraged in public schools; homeschoolers get the chance to learn on their own terms and make choices about their lives from an early age. The majority of homeschooled children have bright futures.

Final Thoughts

If your child is about to start school, it’s a good time to consider homeschooling as an alternative; that said, there is nothing against switching to a homeschooled environment at any time in your child’s school career. There are many benefits to homeschooling, but of course, it won’t suit everyone. Weigh up the benefits and decide if homeschooling is right for your family.



My name is Sasha Alison and I live in Liverpool with my amazing husband John. John and I met while I was teaching a local fitness class (it feels like a lifetime ago) and we hit it off right away. We bonded over our shared lifestyle and lifelong love of Liverpool. As our relationship grew we would go for hiking and climbing, dreaming about the life we could build together.