When Do Babies Start Teething
Although it’s possible for infants to be born with teeth, for the most part, infants start to have teeth come in around six months of age.
This process can be painful for children, as sharp teeth begin to rise and cut through sensitive gum tissue. Teething can cause sleepless nights, mild fevers, and cranky little ones.
Which Teeth Come First?
New teeth typically come in pairs, beginning with the front two bottom teeth, known as incisors.
Breastfeeding mothers may notice new teeth when baby nips at her breast after a feeding. When this happens, it is important to remove the breast from the child’s mouth and calmly tell the child, “no”. Some mothers decide to cease breastfeeding at this time, but others will continue.
Teeth continue to erupt in the mouth until the child is two and one half to three years old.
When to Begin Brushing?
When do babies get teeth that need brushing? Some dentists suggest brushing begins as soon as the teeth arrive. Gently brush any teeth with fluoride toothpaste and a child size toothbrush. Take your time, and show your child that teeth brushing is a normal, fun part of the daily routine.
Milk left in the child’s mouth during sleep can cause cavities, so dentists recommend toddlers only receive tap water in nighttime bottles.
What about Cavities?
No parent wants to hear that their son or daughter has a cavity. Tooth decay can present big issues for children who may not be performing an adequate job of brushing every nook and cranny in their mouth. New advice recommends that parents perform the brushing duties for children up until age nine.
How Can Parents Help?
As teething begins, a teething toy can help your little one endure the pain and discomfort caused by the changes happening in their mouth. Some parents like to place these toys in the freezer for extra numbing comfort. It’s also worth lookin
However, it’s important for parents not to use a numbing gel such as Orajel or Lidocaine for numbing, as these products can cause serious risks to children’s health.
The good news is, once teeth begin to come in, the fun journey of solid foods begins. The CDC recommends soft and fortified foods for your little eater to munch on– but be sure to brush those chompers twice per day!
Teething, Feeding, and Brushing: Adventures in Oral Care
When do babies start teething? The parenting journey begins in infancy, and is full of exciting milestones and steep learning curves. Before you know it, your little one will be gripping their toothbrush like a pro and receiving glowing reports at the dentist regarding their cavity-free smile.
Parents are the first line of defense for kids dental care. They can help soothe teething pain, introduce appropriate foods, brush teeth, and model healthy oral care of their own mouths.
Infancy is the best time to start worrying about your child’s mouth. The second best time is right now.