Family businesses account for over half the employment in our nation. It is not uncommon for a family to want to build something they can work to maintain for generations. Passing on responsibility and ownership is part of our nation’s culture.

The bond of family is largely considered one of the most reliable and resistant. What better foundation for the launch of a long-lasting family establishment? Check out a few feasible family business ideas, and get your household onboard for a new adventure in commerce.

Start a moving service for locals

There are always families moving from one place to another in your town, no matter where in the world you reside. If your family is composed of a few “strapping young lads,” then you may all be well served by starting a family-centered moving business.

The investment risk of a business such as this is worth the potential benefits. Just get a dependable truck, and put the word out among the locals.

Offer lawn care services in your area

There is no stopping the grass from growing. Every year, the temperatures warm, and the foliage begins to grow. Job security is one of the most notable benefits of building a family-owned and operated lawn care service.

Humble beginnings can turn into a sizeable paycheck for you and the whole family. If you are willing to invest the necessary blood, sweat, and tears to get the job done, then your family finances will soon flourish.

Cook up a catering business

It may be that your family is filled with wonderful cooks. Invest in the materials to cook up some good “vittles,” and try your hands at a catering business. Spend quality time with your family, and make lasting memories, all the while making money for the household.

It is a win-win situation. Each family member will learn their strengths and weaknesses around the kitchen, and be presented the valuable opportunity to grow in their skills.

Start an organic family farm

The family farm is all but extinguished by the mega-million dollar mainstream farming industry, but there is hope still. Organic farming is becoming more popular every day due to the rising health issues in our nation’s children.

A farm is a valuable family jewel, and your children will learn the beauty of hard work. They will literally have the opportunity to taste the fruits of their labors, and (hopefully) pick up a killer work ethic along the way.

Even a small family farm can add to the household’s monthly income. Various options can be considered for growing a variety of crops in all seasons. For example, Greenhouse Structures could prove to be beneficial in stimulating growth environments for the different produce your family wants to grow. Farm stands and local eateries are excellent resources for offloading your freshly harvested crops. And if this is a success, branching out into livestock farming could be the obvious next step. Purchase a cow (or a pair!), install a cattle guard, and get milking, or if you’re of a strong disposition, raise it for its meat. After all, organic produce, including organic meat from animals that are well-fed and cared for, is all the rage these days!

Offer pet services to the community

Pet sitting services and dog walking skills are absolutely marketable. Teach the kids how to earn a buck, and have them take the neighbor’s furry family members for a walk.



My name is Sasha Alison and I live in Liverpool with my amazing husband John. John and I met while I was teaching a local fitness class (it feels like a lifetime ago) and we hit it off right away. We bonded over our shared lifestyle and lifelong love of Liverpool. As our relationship grew we would go for hiking and climbing, dreaming about the life we could build together.