Planning a kids’ party doesn’t have to be stressful. While many of us feel the need to invest huge amounts of time and money to impress other parents, most kids don’t need an elaborate party to have fun. By keeping in mind what really matters, you can take the stress out of party planning, ensuring that you and your child enjoy their special day. Below are just a few tips on how to do this.ย 

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Decide whether you really want to host it at home

Hosting a party at home can be a lot of work. Many parents end up spending days cleaning and preparing their home for guests. By choosing to host the party somewhere else – whether it’s a bowling alley, a soft play centre or a restaurant – you don’t have to worry about this prep work. Catering and entertainment is also provided for you.ย If you do choose to host it at home, then make sure everything’s set up with a little help. If the temperature can get chilly outside, then ensure that your home’s heating is fired up and ready to go-get in touch with a provider like to stay stocked up prior. You can hire other services for things like food, decor, etc.

Choose food that is easy to prepare

If you decide to take on catering yourself, make sure that you choose foods that are easy to prepare. Consider finger foods that you don’t have to cook such as sausage rolls, nachos, fruit kebabs and breadsticks. Alternatively, choose foods like pizza that are easy to bake in the oven.

Stay simple with birthday party themes

When it comes to birthday party themes, don’t stress yourself out going overboard. A couple themed balloons and a cake may be all you need to set the theme. You don’t need to go searching for themed banners, plates, tablecloths and other decorations. All these decorations could be expensive, and you’ll only ever use them once.ย 

Make use of what you have

Already have some decorations leftover from a previous party? Got some frozen pizzas in the freezer? Before you go out buying new stuff for the party, consider what decorations and foods you already have. Similarly, when it comes to kids’ entertainment, make use of the toys you already have. Do you really need a bouncy castle if you have a trampoline?

Consider using a party planning company to help

There are party planning companies out there such as All Fun Parties that can serve as a one stop shop for things like entertainment, balloons and toys. These sites can allow you to pick and choose the elements you want without having to spend hours searching individual sites. You may also have the option to hire instead of buy, saving you money on things like props that you may only use once.ย 

Put a limit on guests

The bigger the party, the more stressful it will be to prepare. Quite often, you don’t need to invite loads of kids to make it fun. Focus on a quality of guests over quantity of guests – consider asking them to invite a maximum of 8 friends.

Allow family, friends and guests to help

If people you know volunteer to help with party planning, accept this help. This could include helping you to put up decorations or helping to prepare food. With some experiences, you could even ask parents to chip in some money (but obviously don’t ask for too much money – most parents aren’t going to want to fork out huge amounts for another kid’s party).ย 



My name is Sasha Alison and I live in Liverpool with my amazing husband John. John and I met while I was teaching a local fitness class (it feels like a lifetime ago) and we hit it off right away. We bonded over our shared lifestyle and lifelong love of Liverpool. As our relationship grew we would go for hiking and climbing, dreaming about the life we could build together.